Badboy Comics.

As you may have noticed, I decided to take the main site, Badboycomics offline as of this week. With all the social media going on, I didn't feel a need anymore for an 'official' website. Especially since I'm not in the habit of selling stuff, like artwork or prints etc. I've scanned through older blog posts and saw that some of the artwork up there never made it to my sketchbook, so I decided to put some of that here today.

Below: Some promo images of Eppo, a popular Dutch comic character created by Uco Egmond. Eppo was a popular Dutch comic magazine from 1977 to 1988, which, beside Uco's comics 'Eppo' and 'Falco & Donjon', published well known favorites like 'Asterix' and 'Lucky Luke'. It was revived by Rob van Bavel in 2009 and is published since every two weeks. Clean-up and inks by me, sketches by Uco.

Eppo by Uco Egmond and Dave wessels.
Eppo, Uco Egmond, Dave Wessels
Here's some more work I did with Uco. It's a little 4 page comic about some kids trying to rescue a small neglected zoo, I think it was called 'Het Zoo'tje' (meaning 'The little Zoo', in Dutch that could also be interpreted as 'The Mess'). Uco came up with story and sketches, I assisted with cleanup and inks.

het zoo'tje Uco Egmond Dave Wessels

het zoo'tje Uco Egmond Dave Wessels

het zoo'tje Uco Egmond Dave Wessels

het zoo'tje Uco Egmond Dave Wessels

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